Yhdellä neulalla: Neulakinnastekniikka tutuksi (book, in Finnish)
Yhdellä neulalla: Neulakinnastekniikka tutuksi (book, in Finnish)
Needlebinding, or nålbinding, is the oldest known knitting technique dating back thousands of years.
In Finland the technique has been mainly used to make mittens, but you can use it equally well to make socks, hats, scarfs as well as bigger-sized pieces of clothing. In this handbook the technique is applied to produce diverse kinds of accessories. When you use this technique the knitting is dense and cannot be unwound by pulling the yarn. The tool used is a large flat needle with a big eye and a blunt tip with the help of which the yarn is guided into multiple loops that are joined into each other in a complex way. Many different subtechniques have been recorded. In Finland, three main techniques are known all of which are presented in detail in this book with both written instructions as well as detailed pictures.
The author of the book, Mervi Pasanen, is a Finnish journalist and handicraft expert specialising in medieval handicraft techniques.
The book is made in Finland, carries the Nordic Swan Ecolabel and has been printed with ecoenergy.